Dave Bellows Website

Music for Erik Satie #2

Sheet music (.pdf)

Audio file (.flac)

Listen to it on Soundcloud.

And here we have Music for Erik Satie #2 which is a follow up to Music for Erik Satie #1, as you might gather from the clever naming scheme.

Like #1 there are some obvious and not-so-obvious references to Satie’s music. One thing that stands out to me is how abrupt the changes are. There are four distinct sections that sound very different yet there is no smooth transition between them. I’m not sure if this was a reference to a particular piece of Satie’s or just my own invention. In any case, I clearly liked the effect so it is a product of my personal aesthetic.

There are a lot of reasons to like Satie and his music. His music being one. But I, always needing to be such a dramatic contrarian, was always drawn to the fact that he walked so damned much. I also walk a lot. Miles in a day, even. Satie would walk 10km (which according to Wolfram Alpha is 6.214 miles) from his hippie commune Arcuiel to Paris, stopping at every pub he could find along the way. And then at 1AM he would take the train home from Paris. It’s difficult to imagine a better life, no?

Unfortunately my walks don’t involve nearly as much alcohol. I guess that gives me something to shoot for.

Copyright 2017 David Bellows
